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7 min read

Effectively and Efficiently Managing Your 3D Content

By Nextech3D.ai on Aug 15, 2024 12:59:50 PM

The proliferation, creation, and adoption of 3D content has surged across various industries, with businesses utilizing 3D graphics and models to elevate marketing strategies, product designs, and more. Despite its popularity, 3D contentmanagement remains a significant challenge for many brands, in terms of effectively collaborating withinternal teams and sharing 3D Content easily across functional teams.  

Topics: 3D Models 3D/AR Toggle 3D 3d modeling 3d design technology 3d design software 3D product software 3d designer
8 min read

Simplifying 3D Designing - Toggle3D.ai

By Nextech3D.ai on Sep 13, 2023 3:22:27 PM

Until the advent of Toggle3D, 3D designing has always been a skill to be learned. Companies have had to assemble entire teams for 3D designing – which involves the complicated tasks of 3D texturing and converting their files into web-friendly formats. However, by tapping into the immense potential of cutting-edge AI technology, Toggle3D.ai has developed and launched a 3D design studio - Toggle3D. This innovative SaaS product makes the whole process easy enough for teams, skilled individuals, and anyone with no prior 3D design training to pull off 3D designing like a pro!

Topics: Toggle 3D 3d product design 3d design technology 3d design software 3d designer
3 min read

New eBook: Flipping the Switch on 3D Design

By Nextech3D.ai on Jan 19, 2023 8:43:18 AM

Nextech AR Solutions is pleased to introduce our latest free eBook, Flipping the Switch on 3D Design. It considers consumer expectations for rich digital experiences - particularly in the context of ecommerce - and how 3D technology makes it possible to meet them. It also places the company’s Toggle3D Design Studio in the broader continuum of product design and associated technologies. 

Topics: Augmented Reality eCommerce Toggle 3D Product Design CAD
6 min read

3D and AR: Game-Changers for Ecommerce Marketing

By Nextech3D.ai on Jan 19, 2023 8:00:00 AM

The average person spends nearly seven hours a day looking at a screen, and nearly one-third of adults say they are online “almost constantly” as they browse websites, engage on social media, or shop for products and services.  

Topics: Augmented Reality Retail ARitize 3D ARitize Configurator eCommerce Toggle 3D