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8 min read

How Virtual Food Expos Are Revolutionizing The Global Food Industry

By Nextech3D.ai on Mar 20, 2021 9:59:30 AM

No industry was spared when the coronavirus outbreak took over the world - the food & beverage industry included. But while many other industries were able to move their operations from the physical into the digital environment, foodservice providers were left paralyzed; after all, most food-related experiences require face-to-face interactions. 

Topics: Blog virtual events Virtual Trade Show
6 min read

Hosting A Virtual Career Fair Has Never Been Easier

By Nextech3D.ai on Jan 20, 2021 3:22:02 PM

Virtual career fairs are on the rise - and not just because of COVID-19. The thing is, physical hiring events were never able to reach their full potential for one simple reason: geographical restrictions. Organizations, universities and recruitment agencies were only able to reach a fraction of top candidates at high-ticket prices.

It's not just the global outreach that makes hosting a virtual career fair so appealing. Both, candidates and organizers appreciate the convenience and cost-effectiveness of online job fairs too, since travelling and venue costs are no longer a concern. And with more aspects of life moving to a digital environment, it's becoming more of an expectation (especially amongst college students) to enable virtual recruiting.

Topics: Blog virtual events Virtual Trade Show
11 min read

How to Make Money Hosting Virtual Events

By Nextech3D.ai on Dec 22, 2020 9:11:31 PM

The past few months have required a certain degree of creativity and a great deal of imagination to cope during the global pandemic; the sudden transition to virtual events is a perfect example of this. But it feels like the main focus was on surviving rather than thriving in the event industry. 

Topics: Blog Virtual Conference virtual events Virtual Trade Show
10 min read

Everything You Need to Know About Hybrid Events

By Nextech3D.ai on Nov 11, 2020 11:10:19 AM

If there's one thing we've learnt in the past few months, it's how much we value live events. Never before have we been completely denied the opportunity for face-to-face interaction - not on this scale, anyway. And just like we're currently experiencing a COVID-related virtual events boom, no doubt there'll be one for in-person functions as soon as the threat of coronavirus subsides. 

Topics: Virtual Conference virtual events Virtual Trade Show InfernoAR
4 min read

Virtual Events Are Here To Stay, But They Must Evolve

By Nextech3D.ai on Oct 15, 2020 5:01:09 PM

The event industry is undergoing a major and unexpected transformation and the reason behind it is simple: COVID-19 outbreak, which led to thousands of in-person business gatherings being postponed or even cancelled.

Topics: Augmented Reality Events Virtual Conference virtual events Virtual Trade Show
3 min read

How to Use Data from Your Virtual Event

By Nextech3D.ai on Oct 6, 2020 4:04:27 PM

Organizations around the world have been switching to virtual events to keep their attendees safe. But virtual events were already an important strategy for marketing and networking.

Topics: Virtual Conference virtual events Virtual Trade Show InfernoAR
4 min read

How to Host a Virtual Trade Show

By Nextech3D.ai on Sep 22, 2020 1:00:00 PM

Trade shows have long been an important staple for marketing products, services, and brands. They also serve as a unique opportunity to network and make connections with potential partners and customers.

Topics: Augmented Reality Events Virtual Conference Virtual Trade Show
5 min read

How To Switch To Virtual Events?

By Nextech3D.ai on Mar 25, 2020 3:59:53 PM

Not one industry could have anticipated the disruption that COVID-19 currently presents; It is reasonable to assume that sooner or later an event of some kind would present an obstacle to any professional industry. This disruption challenges professionals to rethink how information is shared and conveyed to current and future learners and clients. Various platforms for engagement include events, conferences, trade shows, and training, but how do we cater to an audience who cannot all connect in one geographic region? 

Topics: Blog Events virtual events Virtual Trade Show