FAQ for Stripe

Here is a list of frequently asked questions about our integration with Stripe. 

  • Is there any cost to sign up for the Stripe account?
    • No, it is free to sign up! There are no monthly or annual fees.
  • Will they run a credit check for me to sign up for a Stripe account, or will it impact my credit score?
    • No, Stripe does not perform any kind of credit checks.
  • Can I still accept check payments and invoicing in checkout?
  • How long will it take for me to be able to access my money?
    • This can vary based on how the payment is processed by Stripe. In the U.S., payout is typically 2 business days. You can read more about receiving payouts here.
  • What should I tell my exhibitors about the 5% fee added to their cost - can I waive that?
    • Processing fees are assessed automatically by the platform and cannot be waived.
  • Can I still add additional fees to check out in addition to the Stripe fee?
  • For Stripe integration, where can I find the Stripe secret key and publishable key?
    • To locate API keys, please go to the Stripe website (https://stripe.com/) and log in to your account. After logging in, you will be taken to the Stripe Dashboard. On the left-hand side menu, click on "Developers." In the "Developers" section, click on "API keys."
      You will now see your Publishable Key and Secret Key. 

If you have any additional questions, please feel free to message support at support@nextechar.com or your current account manager.